
Davitashvili on Shovi Tragedy: "Some Disasters are Inevitable"

Minister of Economy, Levan Davitashvili, recently addressed his 2018 statement about the development of an early warning system, calling its recent attention "speculative".

Assessment on Shovi Disaster Released by the National Environment Agency

The National Environment Agency has issued its preliminary assessment regarding the causes behind the Shovi catastrophe.

Georgia Marks Days of Mourning

Georgia has declared August 7 as a day of mourning, following the Prime Minister's directive, in remembrance of the lives lost due to the tragic natural disaster on August 3, 2023, in the Oni municipality's Shovi resort.

Search and Rescue Operations Continue Amidst Shove Landslide Aftermath

On August 3, a devastating landslide occurred in the Shovi resort town, Oni municipality, impacting the vicinity of the Sunset Shovi hotel.

Ongoing Search for 35 Unreachable Individuals in Shovi Disaster Zone

The Minister of Infrastructure, Irakli Karseladze, announced that communication with 35 people in the disaster-stricken region of Shovi has yet to be established.

EBRD Commits $25 Million Investment in 'Georgian Capital' $150 Million Bonds

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) has announced a substantial transaction in Georgia's capital market, with a $25 million investment in the $150 million bonds issued by JSC 'Georgian Capital' (GCAP).

US and EU Automobile Exports from Georgia to Russia Prohibited

Beginning August 1, the export and re-export of American vehicles from Georgia to Russia has been banned, according to the revenue service of the Ministry of Finance.

Georgia's Economy Records 7.7% Growth in June

As per the preliminary estimates from Geostat, Georgia's economy experienced significant growth in June 2023,

US State Department Commends Georgia's Investment Climate

The US State Department recently published a report lauding the investment environment in Georgia, attributing its success to economic stability and progressive reforms undertaken by the nation.