
How to Attract American Tourists

Expert of tourism and representative of Green Team Global, Hugh Hou declares in the Interview with BMG, that the American people do not really know, what kind of country is Georgia and how much tourism potential it unites. 

Rehabilitation of Dusheti's Historical Districts is Starting

Rehabilitation of Dusheti's historical districts is starting. Today, the Prime Minister of Georgia discussed the upcoming project with the local population.

Tourism Afloat: Update After 2 Weeks of the Flight Ban

Observing the data of the second week arrivals since Russia’s recent flight ban, dynamics remain broadly unchanged from a week before1: despite the drop of Russian tourists, total travelers growth remains positive at 2.1% YoY.

Most Visited Protected Areas of Georgia

In the first six months of 2019, 411 905 visitors visited the protected areas, which is 10% higher than the same period of the previous year.

Revenue of the Agency of Protected Areas increased by 57%

During the 6 months of 2019, revenues of the Agency for Protected Areas reached 3 774 722 lari, which is an increase by 57% (2 398 981 lari) compared with 6 months of 2018.

Tourism Growth Remains Positive Despite the Flight Ban

It has been two weeks since the Russia’s flight ban and some evidence of the impact has started toaccumulate.

European Bank for Reconstruction and Development to Support Georgian Tourism Industry

EBRD shared a video about Tbilisi and Juta tourism attractions on the twitter account

Mariam Kvrivishvili about Requirements for Tourists from Iran and India

Mariam Kvrivishvili, head of of National Tourism Administration, answers questions of private sector representatives who talk about problems that tourists from Iran and India face when entering Georgia.

Branches of Terabank to be Presented as Tourism Centres for the Summer

For this year Terabank provides local and foreigner tourists the campaign, which aims to promote traveling across Georgia, since Georgian tourism is the major issue nowadays.