Posted: 5 years ago

American Wine Professionals Are Exploring Georgian Wines in Kakheti

American sommeliers and wine importers are exploring Georgian wines in Kakheti. The group of wine professionals is headed by Julie Peterson, the Director of the National Wine Agency contractor marketing company “Marc Energy”.

The guests also visited several wine cellars in Kakheti, Tsinandali, where they also had tasting, they were able to acquire and evaluate wines of 15 companies. According to Julie Peterson, interest in Georgian wine is growing in America.

“This year we have 8 different sommeliers, restaurant owners and importers who are coming to visit Georgia because of the continuing and growing interest in Georgian wines in the US. So, we are coming for ZERO COMPROMISE and NEW WINE FAIR, also to visit Kakheti and Western region as well to give these visitors full view all the diversity of Georgian wines. So, we are very exited. Today we are doing “Speed Tasting”, we are going to taste 15  wines in Kakheti . Its very interesting to see both the development of the quality, the richness and the diversity of Georgian wines” – she comments.

Up to 70 wine professionals from different countries are visiting Georgia this week, who will attend the Natural Wine Festival “ZERO COMPROMISE” on May 10 and "New Wine Festival" scheduled for May 11. Masters of wine, sommeliars, wine importers, wine writers, bloggers and media representatives from 13 countries are visiting Georgia. Simultaneously, the guests are exploring Georgian wine cellars and companies in various regions of Georgia.