Posted: 3 years ago

BTU Organizes First International Student Startup Demo Day

Within the framework of BTU Global initiative, for the first time in Georgia, the International Demo Day of Student Startups will be held.

Student startups from the world's leading universities will meet student groups classified according to the industries. This event aims to explore new markets, find international partners, have an opportunity to communicate and collaborate with international foundations. 

The official partner of the International Student Startup Demo Day is the Henley Business School in Britain, which is one of the co-founders of the British Science Park and the BTU Entrepreneurship Center. International demos today are joined by student startups and universities from Europe, the USA, Dubai, and Abu Dhabi, etc. Areas/industries where startups present their ideas are Fintech, Adtech, Femtech, Greentech, Legaltech, etc.

Registration of startups will start in February 2022.