Posted: 3 years ago

Shoes from Leftovers of Beau - Usuli

Usuli is a newly created brand that manufactures shoes from leftovers of beau.

“Our main inspiration became gorgeous fabrics leftovers, which eventually ended up in a landfill. We thought for a long time what we could do with this waste, which we had access to. After many different ideas, we finally decided to produce the shoes. It has been several months since we’ve been on the market.”, say the founders of Usuli, Sopio Lapiashvili, and Maka Noselidze with CBW.

Apart from the fact that Usuli shoes are produced with leftover fabrics, the founders also use old, already useless materials. In the end, their shoes never come out identical.

“Sometimes even one pair is different. With a similar concept and material, not many companies can be found in the international market, probably. We believe this is what sets us apart from other brands.”

As for the working process, they agree on the specific model of the shoe. Then, they have to select the combination for each shoe individually, match the fabrics with each other and also with the model. 



“The difficulty is that not many designers in Georgia have chosen to transfer their fabric waste to us instead of garbage. We have some collaborations with several designers, however, we would be happy to expand their list.”

Their design has unique characteristics. As founders of Usuli note, they just use the fabrics they have access to. The additional materials, which are leather and decorative accessories are mainly second-hand. 

“For the additional materials, such as leather and decorative accessories, we try to not buy the new ones and seek second-hand.

Usuli’s spring collection is made on Georgian traditional Supra’s fabric. The product is made of 100% cotton and a good quality natural fabric. 

“We decided to use it in honor of all the women who stand behind the traditional Georgian Supra, and they remain mostly invisible. To this end, we have invited female artists to create the models. The models as a part of this collection will be unique and different from each other, the same goes for paintings. In case of order, the artist will work on the model with new ideas and new paintings.”

The production is available online, via Facebook and Instagram pages, with delivery service. They mainly work on individual orders. However, one can buy their products in the brand store Co.mode in Tbilisi.

As for the future plans, they plan to add a new production line, which will include bags, and new spring and summer shoe models.