Posted: 2 years ago
Author: Nina Gomarteli

All About Animotermi- First Psychology and Education Podcast in Georgia

Animotermi is a platform that brings together people interested in psychology and education. Their team is the first in Georgia to use podcasts to cover issues relating to these two fields.

As the world becomes busier, the podcast format has become incredibly popular, since audio content allows the listener to multitask. We asked Shota Berulava, Founder of Animotermi, how they got started and why they chose this format to deliver their messages: 

It all started in the spring of 2020 when a pandemic was raging. We saw that people had to deal with not only physical but also psychological challenges. In social networks, conflicting and often incompetent ideas were spread. Therefore, we decided to record videos on psychology.

At the same time, we worked as teachers in the school and saw the challenges in the educational space.

At this point, several directions of cognitive-entertaining content are posted on the Animotermi platform.

What’s the role you would like to play with your subscribers?

Animotermi is a fairly young association and we don't have a large audience yet, however, we listen to and analyze the praise, criticism, and advice of each of our subscribers with great care. We want to provide viewers with a variety of scientifically verified and reliable information. Animotermi has primarily a psycho-educational purpose.

Unfortunately, there are many myths about psychology and psychologists in Georgia. Their existence is facilitated by psychologists themselves. The result is that people are misled. We want to share the most objective and reliable information with subscribers.

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Tell us about your team and run us through your working day.

The Animotermi team currently consists of 5 members:

Ana Darakhvelidze: She is the founder of Animotermi and works on two rubrics. In addition, the platform publishes educational illustrations with another friend, Elene Malashevsky-Jakeli.

Shota Berulava: Founder of Animotermi, who works on "Visiting Animotermi" and "Animotermi" rubrics.

Saba Kviriashvili: has his own show on Animotermi - "Myths"

Lizi Mamulashvili: Translated scientific articles and blogs are posted on the Animotermi platform every week. This direction is led by Lizi.

Sandro Kobalia: Author of animated videos in the Animotermi team. The video deals with various issues and has educational purposes.

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As for our one working week - Monday and Tuesday we have meetings to translate and edit scientific articles. On Wednesdays, we work on the rubric "Myths". We agree on the topic of the show and discuss the content details. Thursdays and Fridays are dedicated to planning the rubric "Visiting Animotermi". We contact our future respondents and agree on organizational details. As for the weekend, the programs of all rubrics are recorded at this time, the editing of which will continue in the following days.

Do you see the podcast industry evolving in Georgia?

The development of digital technologies and social networks has also affected the podcast industry. For example, even 5 years ago, very few people were interested in this field. I can't think of a YouTuber, which hasn't tried podcast format. Many things have changed now. Companies are realizing that the new generation is spending much more time on Instagram, YouTube, or Tik Tok than before. In line with the growing interest, the podcasts also attracted the attention of sponsors. It is true that this is not the amount and finances that podcasters "deserve", but perhaps the situation will improve in this regard as well.

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In which directions would you like to develop Animotermi?

In our view, Animotermi should become a space where young psychologists come together and engage in scientific activities. Due to the fact that there is a shortage of such places in Georgia, and psychology students need to communicate with colleagues, Animotermi should become a gathering place for them.

In addition, we plan to make the first school of psychology in Georgia in September. The school will be designed for 10th, 11th, and 12th-grade students. They will study various fields of psychology, scientific research methods and will also conduct research.

At the same time, the direction of the podcasts will be diversified and refined.