Posted: 5 years ago

You Don't Have to See my MS Symptoms to Believe Them: World MS Day

World MS Day is the MS movement’s annual campaign to raise awareness of the condition, and to support and connect the 2.3 million people living with it worldwide. It s a day to celebrate global solidarity and hope for the future.

The theme is Visibility and the campaign is called My Invisible MS (#MyInvisibleMS).

This campaign, developed in collaboration with members of the global MSIF movement, will raise awareness of the invisible symptoms of MS and its unseen impact on quality of life. The aim of the campaign is to challenge common misconceptions about MS and help people understand how to provide the right support to those affected.

My Invisible MS will give a voice to people living with MS to share the invisible symptoms that they experience and express what they want people to know about MS, giving others an insight into its unseen impact on everyday life. The campaign offers flexibility for individuals and organisations to use it to achieve a variety of goals, which could include:

  • Lobbying decision makers to improve support for people living with disabilities that are not visible
  • Helping people affected by MS to manage their invisible symptom
  • Helping the communities around people living with MS to understand invisible symptoms and offer the right support
  • Raising public awareness about the unseen impact of MS, in order to challenge misconceptions and change attitudes
  • Raising the visibility of/funding for their MS organisation and its services