Posted: 3 years ago

Kuleba Talks about the Danger of Radiation Leakage from the Chernobyl Station

According to the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Dmytro Kuleba, there is a risk of radiation leakage from the Chernobyl station.

''Reserve diesel generators have a 48-hour capacity to power the Chornobyl NPP. After that, cooling systems of the storage facility for spent nuclear fuel will stop, making radiation leaks imminent. Putin’s barbaric war puts entire Europe in danger. He must stop it immediately!'' reads his post.

At the moment, the Chernobyl nuclear power plant is controlled by the Russian military.

''The only electrical grid supplying the Chornobyl NPP and all its nuclear facilities occupied by the Russian army is damaged. CNPP lost all electric supply. I call on the international community to urgently demand Russia to cease fire and allow repair units to restore the power supply,'' says Dmytro Kuleba.