Posted: 1 year ago

Baltic Technology Ventures signed an investment agreement with Azerbaijan's

Baltic Technology Ventures, one of the giants of the technology field, signed a co-investment agreement with It should be noted that the initiative tries to bring 3D technologies to the forefront in the online shopping system, Tedroid reports.

Thus, the main purpose of the platform is to design company products with 3D technology and present them to customers in an attractive form. As we know, hundreds of thousands of large and small companies are currently operating in the online shopping system. Designing and presenting products with 3D technology leads to a better marketing policy than these companies. Thus, the joint investment agreement with strengthens the company's position in the online shopping system.

Orkhan Mammadov, co-founder of, said: "We see Baltic Ventures as an extremely valuable partner and what sets them apart is their holistic approach to supporting startups. The BTV team has shown a sincere partnership in our success by offering hands-on mentorship as well as financial support. Orkhan Mammadov also said that co-operation with Baltic Ventures Technology will significantly impact the growth of the startup. It is worth noting that has previously been accepted into the programmes of technology giants such as Nvidia and Microsoft.

It should be noted that Baltic Technology Ventures believes that the startup will develop with funding, attracting investors and practical experience of experts. In addition, the company is trying to advertise the Imajin brand in the Baltic Times and other media platforms. This point may lead the Imajin brand to co-operate with more tech giants in the future.