Posted: 6 years ago

Wine Experts from Georgia Invited to Berliner Wein Trophy Jury

Wine experts from Georgia – Irina Cholobargia, Head of Marketing and PR Department of the National Wine Agency, Ana Godabrelidze, chairman of the National Wine Agency’s tasting commission, were invited to the Berliner Wein Trophy” Jury.

More than 1 400 wine producers from 41 countries have presented various products.
The results will be known on March 1 of the current year. Winner wines will be awarded with Premium Gold, Gold and Silver Medals.

Participation of Georgian representatives in the professional jury of the competition will further enhance the awareness of Georgian wine on international scale.

“Berliner Wein Trophy” is Germany’s most important and largest international wine contest and is attended by famous wine producers from around the world. Every year, thousands of wine samples are presented at the competition.

The prestigious international competition “Berliner Wein Trophy 2019” is organized by “German Wine Marketing” and is held for the 23rd of time. The competition is held under the  patronage of the International Wine and Vine Organization (OIV), the World Association of the Oenologists  (UIOE) and the World Federation of Wine and Spirits Contest (VinoFed).

Victory in the “Berliner Wein Trophy” indicates that the wine corresponds to the high quality standards, which serves and promotes the further development of world wine culture and the quality guarantee.