Posted: 6 years ago

Vazisubani Estate Launches Logistic Center in Europe

This year, the company Vazisubani Estate plans to open a warehouse in Germany, from which the company will be able to deliver the product in all European cities.

Executive Director of company Giorgi Mshvidobadze told about it.

According to him, the warehouse will be placed in Hanover and will be sold through the online platform.

“Many customers write from different cities of Europe and ask us where to buy our wine, so we made this decision accordingly. The customer will order the desired products that our distributor will deliver to any European city within 24 hours, “said Giorgi Mshvidobadze.

The company will expand export geography and sell wine in two new markets in Europe – Poland and Germany.

According to Giorgi Mshvidobadze, contracts are already signed.

40% of the “Vazisubani estate” company is exporting at this stage; The rest of the products are sold on the local market. The company plans to increase export share in the future. Vazisubani Estate Wine is stocked in four countries at this stage: Ukraine, China, Canada and Great Britain.