Posted: 3 years ago

Tbilvino's Success in London – Decanter Wins 18 Awards, IWC – 21 and IWSC – 8

Tbilvino company won 21 medals at International Wine Challenge 2021, eighteen (18) medals – at Decanter 2021, and eight (8) medals - at International Wine & Spirits Competition 2021.

“These awards prove Georgian wines’ great success at international contests. Influencers, prominent experts, and wine enthusiasts have made acquaintance with the most ancient winemaking traditions of Georgia and tasted Georgian wines”, Tbilvino director-general Zurab Margvelashvili said.

Napareuli's (2016) wines and Mukuzani’s (2018) unique reserves have won the biggest recognition and golden medals at International Wine & Spirits Competition, he said. At the London competition, Tbilvino’s other wines have also won awards: Amber Kisi won a bronze medal at IWC and IWSC; Amber Rkatsiteli won a bronze medal at IWC and a silver medal at IWSC. Over the past few years, amber wines have become more and more popular among wine lovers. The Georgian tradition of making amber wines accounts for thousands of years and implies unique methods of simultaneous aging of grapes skin and juice. Amber Rkatsiteli and Amber Kisi are new wines of the 2020 vintage from Tbilvino vineyards and the chronological process is controlled carefully and in a timely.

As for Tbilvino’s Kisi semisweet wine, it deserved a bronze medal at International Wine Challenge London 2021 “Excellency of this wine, white peach aroma, balanced taste, and tenderness”, this is how the international jury has characterized KISI semisweet wine. At the same time, Tbilvino’s Alazani Valley Rose and Alazani Valley White have won bronze medals at International Wine Challenge London 2021.

All in all, Tbilvino has won a historically a record number of awards (47 awards) at the London wine contests.