Posted: 3 months ago

Rustaveli-Mtatsminda Cable Car Set for August Launch with 50 Million GEL Investment

A new cable car route bridging Rustaveli Avenue with Mtatsminda is slated for its grand opening at the end of August 2024, as announced by the press office of Tbilisi City Hall. This ambitious project, costing 50 million GEL, marks a significant effort by the city authorities to enhance Tbilisi's urban landscape and tourism appeal.

Spanning 845 meters, the cableway will feature 21 gondolas gliding along its length, capable of ferrying 1,200 passengers per hour to the top of Mtatsminda. This development is anticipated to notably boost the visitor numbers to both Mtatsminda Park and its iconic funicular railway.

The journey towards realizing the Mtatsminda cable car vision commenced in 2012, but the project encountered several revisions due to technical challenges and changes in the project’s scope. The current phase of construction kicked off in September 2022, signifying a major stride towards completion.

With the erection of masts and the upper station now complete, efforts are currently concentrated on the finishing touches and roofing of the lower station's platform. Tbilisi City Hall revealed that the restoration of the historic lower station is being carried out by Dag company, whereas the comprehensive cable car system construction is managed by the renowned international firm, Doppelmayr.

The original Rustaveli-Mtatsminda cable car, operational from 1959 until 1990, has been absent from Tbilisi's skyline for 34 years. Its revival is keenly anticipated, promising a modern and efficient mode of transportation that merges the city's historic charm with contemporary convenience.

Once operational, the cableway will be under the management of the Tbilisi Transport Company, further enriching Tbilisi's public transport network and offering residents and visitors alike a unique aerial perspective of the city.