Posted: 5 years ago

Number of Foreign Visitors Increased by 37% in Protected Areas

The interest of visitors to the protected areas increases. In May, compared to the same period last year, the number of visitors increased by 14% and amounted to 225 596.

It should be noted that the number of foreign visitors increased by 37%. Among them, 21% increase was seen in areas where the electronic ticket sales system was introduced from May.

In 5 months, most visitors visited the following protected areas:
• Prometheus Cave
• Tbilisi National Park
• Kazbegi National Park
• Martvili Canyon
• Okatse canyon

According to the policy developed by the Ministry of Environment Protection and Agriculture, the Agency of Protected Areas continues to promote ecotourism development in Georgia.

46 infrastructural projects are being implemented in the protected area of ​​Georgia in 2019 with 6 690 000 GEL. It is noteworthy that the rehabilitation of Okatse canyon and Sataplia Managed Reserve have already been completed.

The Rope Park was arranged in Mtirala and Algeti National Parks. Exhibition space was organized in Algheti and Vashlovani National Parks administrations.

Works on Martvili Canyon are already underway, where rehabilitation is undertaken by existing tourism infrastructure. The lighting and audio system in Prometheus cave changes. Zip line is being installed at Okatse Canyon.