Posted: 1 year ago

Traditional Georgian Desert in a New Shape: Pelamushito Starts Producing Tap Felamushi

Hot and cold dessert company "Pelamushito" starts producing tap Felamushi. As Nino Gogaladze, the founder of "Pelamushito" says, the company cooperates with an Italian company, which creates this device for them.

According to her, the finished Felamushi will be placed in the machine and the hot and thin mass will be maintained during the day. Pelamushito will offer bottled Felamushi to customers in the near future. There will be a mix of Rkatsiteli and Saperavi in ​​the assortment.

"I had the idea of ​​tap Felamushi before I started producing 'Pelamushito' in general. This technique involved a lot of difficulties, so I moved on to implementing the idea. I am now working with an Italian company to create this device. We have tested the device and we will offer the product to the customer in the near future. We will have a mix of Rkatsiteli and Saperavi, which will offer a new taste," said Nino Gogalatze at

Pelamushito has opened a new branch in the East Point shopping center, adding five employees.

Felamushi is a Georgian traditional dessert, made from grape must and flour.