Posted: 3 years ago

Startup OxGen and GITA Sign Grant Agreement

LLC OxGen startup has won the 650,000-GEL grant of Georgian Innovation and Technology Agency (GITA). By use of Synthetic Biology technology, the company creates innovative diagnostic tests for detecting various viruses, bacteria, and fungus diseases.

Synthetic Biology is a new word in diagnostics to create innovative quick and effective test systems. The objective of the company is to find its niche in the global market through specialized products. Founded by Vladimir Baramidze in 2014, LLC OxGen was financed as part of the GRDH-CDC program. The company cooperates with partners in Japan and Germany. Through GITA grant the company will establish a biotechnological enterprise in Natakhtari equipped with necessary machinery and standards.

Agrarian University of Georgia and Lugar Laboratory collaborate with the company. In 2023 the company plans to export the greater part of its production to various countries. As reported, GITA launched the 650,000-GEL grant program with the support of the World Bank on May 22, 2019, in order to stimulate innovative projects and enterprises.