Posted: 3 years ago

Reviving and Creating Memories - Miyage's Crafting Concept

The newly-created startup, Miyage, which unites crafted goods, creative and unique items stands out on the market as a reviver of memories. 

Blown away by designer - Niniko Lortkipanidze’s bright eye and ideas, Sopo Dzodzuashvili, Elene Gamkrelidze, and Nata Kuchaidze decided to create a brand “Miyage”, which would put out beautiful crafts into the world.

“Our main inspiration for creating such a brand is Niniko Lortkipanidze and her work. We have known each other for many years and we have always admired her ideas and projects. The thought of working together struck us for a long time, so we decided to create Miyage. The brand includes items that are completely different from each other. One can find tables, bags, overalls, lights, toys, trays, and many other items in our collection. We do not concentrate on a specific direction. We always work with different and diverse materials, including silk, wood, glass, bamboo, etc.”, noted one of the founders of Miyage with CBW.

Miyage actively appeared on the market in 2020 and its first project was Chinese zodiac signs.

“We launched our first project for the new year, however,  we have it on sale throughout the whole year. Chinese zodiac signs made of wood and glass are a precious thing for us since we worked hard on them."

One of the main projects of the brand is room dividers, lights, and hangers made with Bamboo. 

“We are experimenting with a lot of things and at the same time, we try to take care of nature. Since bamboo belongs to the grass family and grows fast, it is considered a bioproduct. Therefore, we strive for creating a product that contains bamboo in it.”

As for the pandemic, the founders of the brand say that COVID-19 obviously created a lot of problems.

“The difficulties we face during this period are probably what everyone is facing nowadays. It takes us a while to do the projects due to the current situation.”

According to the young entrepreneurs, while trying to observe many things during the work, at first, they think about what they would have personally, and what that item would look like. 

“The main idea of the brand is to create a product with such taste and quality, which we would also be happy to have.

Miyage’s brand concept is to create memories. Its name, Miyage means the same - in particular, souvenir in Japanese. 

“We want to enable our customers to recall old memories or create the new ones both for others and themselves. Most of our work is factually hand-made. It is vitally important for us. We think that this is the reason why we love so much what we do. Lots of time and energy are spent on each item and each of them is made with great love. We want this to be felt in our product.”

Regarding the working process, every moment is lovable and pleasurable for the founders of Miyage.

“We love the beginning of our projects, when we exchange the ideas, choose the best one and then, we start to work. Every step of the way has its own sparks, however, probably, the most special is the final result, when with a lot of hard work we receive what we wanted and we can boldly present it to the customer.

Miyage creates and awakes the memories, and every item is united under this idea. 

“One will come across many different things in our collection, that will remind them of their own childhood. We had a project, which involved tablecloths from Grandma’s Box. We made them from old, very precious pieces. One of our new projects is called “27 memories”. It includes single-use cameras delivered from Germany, which can take 27 photos. 

"We also created Miyage’s album containing 27 pages. We think, that this might be one of the special gifts. We are distinguished by our quality, into which we put our hard work and with our main treasure - Niniko."

The products of Miyage are available on Facebook and InstagramThey also accept orders via e-Mail and contact number which is indicated on their Facebook page.

As for the future plans, they do not want to stop due to the pandemic.

“We want to actively continue working on our projects. We have many ideas, which we believe will make our customers really happy. We also hold negotiations with different companies for collaborations and our future plans also involve entering the international market.