Posted: 1 year ago

Noxtton - Technology Company that Supports Georgian and International Startup Ecosystem

The Georgian audience knows Noxtton as a technological consulting organization that has been on the market for several years and has attracted the interest of many different companies and people.

Until now, Noxtton has stood out with its multi-profile international experience and multi-functional team and positioned itself accordingly. However, Noxtton has been actively participating in the support and development of the startup ecosystem for more than 1 year.

In newly discovered Georgian startups, you will often meet the name of Noxtton, who is often represented in the role of both a partner and a co-founder.

"The goal of our group is to discover "Visionary" entrepreneurs and jointly create technological products and companies that will have a real impact on industry and society. Today, Noxtton Group has invested more than $2 million in Pre-Seed & Seed resources in various startups," says the company's representative.

The company's approach is significantly different from standard venture firms. Noxtton itself engages in the creation and development of digital and technological products. It should be noted that along with product development, the company advises partners and startups in both legal and financial organizational issues.

"In the process of creating digital products, the whole team concentrates as much as possible on holistic industrial challenges and takes into account various scenarios of product development and customer interaction. Based on this, we formulate a vision and development strategy for technological products, which further helps us in the successful implementation and realization of complex digital solutions. - explains Teo Zangurashvili, Sr. Product Owner of Noxtton.

According to Noxtton representatives, very soon, Noxtton Group startups will appear in both local and international markets, which will play an important role in the global startup ecosystem.

Source: Entrepreneur