Posted: 4 years ago

Handmade dolls by Ekaterine Beridze

It's been 2 years since Ekaterine Beridze started making dolls. 

As she noted, she was always interested in hand-made materials. 

"When I realized, that I could not find a good doll at a reasonable price, I started making dolls myself. This was the main inspiration to create the dolls how I wanted them to be. That's how I found Iulia Sorokina. She made me create the doll, which was enough to start working on it independently."

"When thinking about the dolls, I believe they are quite similar. But every doll has its individual facial expression, which differs from the rest."

As Ekaterine Beridze said, her favorite part in the work is clothing.

"When I start making the doll, I already think of different kinds of clothes, which I'll put on them. Matching the colors, decorate them, and rabbeting are favorite parts of my work. When I finish making the dolls, I always say that I should not sell them, since I want to watch them endlessly."

Recently, Ekaterine was on the doll's exhibition, where she received many compliments.

"The praises made me think to make new dolls. Also, I was at the exhibition in Prague last year. I saw many talented and well-known people there, who were making dolls and I could not hold back amazement I felt towards them. 17 dolls of mine are already sold. Now I am working on the new ones.

Ekaterine Beridze stated, that her future plans involve personal exhibition.

"When I will gather approximately 20 dolls, I plan to hold my personal exhibition supported by my husband. But my dolls are instantly sold after finishing working on them. I don't know how I will manage it yet.