Photo: Impact Hub

Posted: 3 years ago
Author: Nina Gomarteli

Georgian Travel Guide - Team that Builds All-Inclusive Travel Ecosystem

Georgian Travel Guide - This is a group of passionate travelers that have put together a comprehensive platform on sites in Georgia with the goal of making your travel experience in Georgia as easy and enjoyable as possible.

Davit Merabishvili, CEO and co-founder of Georgian Travel Guide: 

Georgian Travel Guide is founded by travelers with the desire to share the exciting places all around Georgia which we have experienced ourselves. In the early days of the platform, it was only sharing information about places and means to reach the destination. As the platform was evolving we introduced powerful e-commerce tools to help small and medium tourism businesses to enhance their digital presence and chances to compete in the modern digital age.

What’s the main goal you try to achieve with website visitors?

The tourism platform includes web pages, mobile applications (android and iOS), and social media channels. We have several goals one of which is to share the love and excitement of traveling in Georgia. We think that there are plenty of places which the general public does not know. By promoting fewer known places, we are introducing new ways of experiencing our country.

One of the other goals is to support people in regions who are traditionally and naturally good at hospitality, however, they have little skills at promoting their service or digital marketing.

Tell us about your team and get us through your working day.

We are a small but motivated team of travelers, who dedicated their time and effort to improve the traveling experience. We carry a load of travel arrangements to give more quality time to parties.

Daily activities are different and depending on the role of the team members. Most of the time each member has their their agenda and works independently. At the end of the day, we gather and discuss daily activities and plan future steps. We don’t follow a strict hierarchy as we think that good idea should always be heard and implemented no matter who has originated. We are a goal-driven organization that puts the idea first place.

What were some of the challenges you’ve had to face?

The eCommerce in domestic tourism is quite new. Travelers are not used to buying tourism services online. On daily basis, we are pushing eCommerce and online procurement in tourism to make it mainstream. We dedicate our time and afford to gain the trust of customers and show that their interest is our top priority.

You’re participating in Impact Hub’s Accelerator program. Do you have new projects coming up? 

Georgian Travel Guide follows the overall goal of the company to build a travel ecosystem that will meet all the needs of travelers. We are in constant development and iteration process to improve and create a better experience for our customers.