Posted: 3 years ago

Farco Introduces High-Tech Device Allowing Farmers to Run Their Greenhouses Remotely

"We researched the market and found that all greenhouses or farms that are built or under construction are equipped with different systems, however, farmers can't automate the farm remotely based on the climatic conditions in the greenhouse. That’s why we started working on a product that would solve this problem, would be customer-oriented, easy to manage, and efficient,"-said Ramaz Javakhishvili, Hardware Engineer and Co-Founder in the conversation with CBW. 

Farco is an automated greenhouse and farm management system that allows farmers to get information about the climate in farming from anywhere in the world and manage various systems based on this data, such as: heating, humidification, vent, irrigation, lighting system and more.

As we learn, Farco was created in response to a demand from the Georgian market. Farmers approached Farco co-founder Bacho, the founder of one of the agronomic equipment stores, for a gadget that could be used to operate systems in the greenhouse and farm.

The key issue was creating a product, a tangible device that required technology that could make both electrical circuits and frames; unfortunately, such a product can’t be manufactured in Georgia. As a result, Farco founders had to order the electrical circuit they developed in China and assemble it in Georgia, which is time consuming in and of itself.

Farco's creators have been working on the product for a year, and it is now completely functional. Farco has four customers whose farms have been automated, and their crop quality and quantity have already improved, their costs have decreased, and they have less work to do.

‘’The main reason for creating the product has always been the high-tech development of agronomic farms in Georgia and farmers have had a chance to run farms better and more efficiently. If we take into account the examples of agronomically developed countries in the world, the reason for their success is always the introduction of technologies in agriculture, which is why it is especially important in Georgia to develop agro-automation technologies. 

Our team is fully staffed with the people needed to create and develop this product, our day includes working on the product: electrical circuit design and development, program code writing, carcass design, web platform development, electrical circuit building, carcass building, communication with clients and Installation of the device in their farms,’’-said the co-founder of Farco. 

We also asked him about their participation in Impact Hub’s acceleration program:

‘’Participating in the pre-accelerator was quite important to us, notably with the excellent Impact Hub mentors and organizers who spared no effort to give the participating startups maximum experience and information.

We intend to build a new product that will cover another area of agriculture and bring it to the next level of development,’’-said Ramaz Javakhishvili.