Posted: 6 years ago

Dirsi’s Startup Space – A Place for Successful Start!

Development firm Dirsi has created a co-working space for startup companies.

It is a place where people can turn their ideas into reality. Georgian startups will be able to conduct their everyday activities across 2000 m2 of space owned by AS Georgia-Dirsi – and all of this for a symbolic price of ₾1 per square metre.

The company’s objective is to support startups and small businesses. AS Georgia-Dirsi’s new product is aimed at fledgling entrepreneurs, startups and small manufacturers, who are being offered co-working space, workshop space, etc.

The new space has already hosted the first stream of entrepreneurs, who shared their activities with each other. The workspace can be rented for a symbolic price, which provides an ideal opportunity for startups to reduce their running costs.

30 businesses representing the following areas of activity have already taken up Dirsi’s offer of a workspace:

  • Artists
  • Repair workshops
  • Non-governmental organisations
  • Advertising agencies
  • Travel agencies
  • Photo studios
  • Tailor workshops