Posted: 1 year ago

CryptoPrison - NFT Online Board Game Created by Georgians

CryptoPrison - this is the name of the Georgian-created P2E (play-2-earn) NFT online board game with RPG elements. According to the creators of the game, in addition to entertaining players, it also offers the opportunity to earn money.

As for the game plot, the first season features three characters: Rebel Johnny, Scientist Gramps, and Pothead Kevin. 3333 unique visuals have been created for each of them and players will buy them in the form of NFTs. Clearly, characters with specific visuals have different characteristics from each other. However, the game operates in two modes: 1) solo, when users play artificial intelligence, and 2) PVP arena, where several people play together and create additional obstacles for each other.

To put it simply, the main goal of the game is to escape from prison. Depending on what place the player will go to, there will be a special in-game token, a cryptocurrency that can be converted into real money. In addition to cash withdrawals, it will be possible to use tokens in-game, to receive various benefits or to exchange with other players.

In addition, on a large demand basis, the platform will have another interesting feature: the NFT rental system, which will allow NFT owners to rent purchased NFTs to players who want to make money playing the game. Such a system is beneficial for both parties: the player does not have to buy NFT to make money, and the NFT owner will receive passive income by doing nothing.

"You can put your NFT for rent. After the player hires him, you will be accrued interest on the amount earned. Therefore, the owners of the character will be able to receive money passively, and the player will be involved in the game without buying, "- explains Mikibo, Art Director.

On June 16, CryptoPrison, along with other successful Georgian NFT projects, will discuss various interesting topics at the event organized by DeGameFi, including what is the main concept of P2E games, what are the problems in the GameFi market today, etc. Attendance at the event is free.

Source: Marketer