Posted: 2 years ago

Comicsland - Become a Main Character of Comics on Georgian Platform

Comicsland is a comic book creator web platform where anyone can log in, create a template story and become the main character of the comics.

"We are now in the process of creating a platform with a 30,000 GEL grant from the GITA competition. First of all, our project is aimed at children, but in the future, we will add comics of various themes for people of all ages.

As for the service fee, we have not yet established it exactly. When the customer arranges his own comics, then pay a certain amount for its purchase, but during individual orders, the prices will be according to the requirements and wishes," - said Tamar Museridze at Business Partner.

According to her, the idea of ​​the startup came to her and her friends in December and GITA was the first agency to participate in the competition.