Posted: 1 year ago

Agrosolutions: We are Helping Georgia in Establishing Itself on World Map

The company ''Agrosolutions'' was founded by three people and at the first stage, it was a parallel business for them. Today - 30 employees and up to 10 foreign experts are building Georgian agriculture. The startup has exceeded 2000 hectares and this is just the beginning. The first gardens they planted were not yet in their full fruitfulness, so they still have enjoyment ahead.

''We have always believed that Georgia has a huge agro potential that can be translated into a very strong sector. To do this, it's important to do everything correctly and use modern knowledge. At the beginning of the idea, we imagined what the Georgian agro-sector could be like, especially since the world already has a good example of the Netherlands and Israel. Our main task was to bring to the market what Agrosolutions had the opportunity to do. We knew that if they saw a real case, their interest, awareness, and interest in our company would definitely increase. Today, we are helping Georgia to become a serious agricultural producer on the world map,'' told the co-founder of Agrosolutions Marketer. 

The founder of Agrosolutions explains that the situation in the Georgian agro-sector is as follows - the existing agronomic knowledge here is several decades behind the achievements, thoughts, and plans of the modern world. Therefore, they have focused on importing knowledge from developed countries from the very beginning and they are very grateful to all their partners who also believed in the potential of the Georgian agricultural sector.

''It is from them that we get refined and successful knowledge at the planning and production stages, however, at the same time, we have already started to grow our talents on the ground and it can be said that Agrosolutions Group has already become a company of very valuable information, knowledge, and capabilities,'' said the co-founder of Agrosolutions.