Real Estate
Posted: 3 years ago

"Russian and Belarusian Citizens show High Interest in Georgian Real Estate"

"Citizens of the Russian Federation and the state of Belarus, as well as business entities, are showing great interest in purchasing real estate in Georgia and concluding long-term lease agreements," the Georgian Real Estate Association said in a statement.

The association urges member and partner organizations to exercise the utmost care and caution in their activities and to prevent them from inadvertently engaging in transactions that may conflict with domestic, international, or international agreements in force in the country.

"The pathos that reigns in the world must be taken into account. We encourage you to seek legal advice from legal service providers when you receive information about suspicious transactions before you become involved in a transaction or negotiation process.

The Georgian National Real Estate Association once again expresses its deep sorrow over the deaths of people during the ongoing hostilities in Ukraine and expresses its condolences to the Ukrainian people," said Otar Kachkachashvili, Chairman of the Georgian National Real Estate Association''.