Posted: 4 years ago

Mzesumzira to Host KHIDI Boiler Room

On 13 September Mzesumzira will host the KHIDI and Boiler Room collaboration, presenting the 6-hour live broadcast from the eZo Festival main stage featuring the following artists:

Mzesumzira Records founder and resident DJ RATI and KHIDI residents: Liza Rivs, Sevda, Phase Fatale, REKA, P.E.A.R.L. Also, organizers are hosting a special guest from Italy, producer and Mannequin Records founder Alessandro Adriani.

After the broadcast the stage will be taken over by the KHIDI residents: Vulkanski, Frequency Shifter, Yanamaste.
Event won’t be limited to the above. All existing stages will be open:

At Kos Mos stage, the British Council Georgia and Tempo RadioLab will kick-start the UK-Georgia 2019: New Horizons season, bringing the British DJ Nabihah Iqbal performing together DJ EKNR . The performance will be broadcasted on Tempo's radio and Facebook channels.

The UK-Georgia 2019: New Horizons is implemented by the British Embassy Tbilisi and the British Council Georgia. The season will be run from September to December 2019 and showcase the very best of British culture, education, business and sport. The season will celebrate the special friendship between the UK and Georgia.

#UKGeorgia2019 includes events, festivals, film screenings, workshops and masterclasses, as well as discussions and lectures on music, film and performing arts.

The radio show will be followed by the Baku Club IN resident Cestlek and Mozzy, who will introduce a B2B performance.They will be joined by the local scene representatives Ika and Ericsson.

oDa stage: Detroit Legend Marcellus Pittman, Autumn Tree and Mzesumzira residents Levi Love Disco and Dr. Emmett brown.