Posted: 6 years ago

GALT & TAGGART Forecats $3,6 Billion Income from Tourism Sector

According to GALT & TAGGART’s prediction, Georgia’s income from tourism will amount to $ 3.6 billion in 2019.

Head of GALT & TAGGART Research Department Eva Bochorishvili stated about it during his “business morning”.

“GALT & TAGGART estimates the number of tourists in Georgia will be around 5,3 million this year, which is 11% increase. As for income from tourism, we expect that growth will be 12%, and tourism revenues will beamount to 3.6 billion USD. This is the beginning of the year’s forecast, but in the course of dynamics, it will be corrected over time, “Bochorishvili said.

In January 2019, revenues from the international travel amounted to $ 164.5 million, which is 8 million more than the same period last year (growth + 5%).