Posted: 1 year ago

EU's Josep Borrell Reiterates Unwavering Support for Georgia: A Trifold Message on Europeanization, Ukraine, and Sovereignty

European Union's High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Josep Borrell, recently concluded a high-profile visit to Georgia. After talks with Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Gharibashvili, Borrell elucidated three central themes in a comprehensive address to both the nation's government and its citizenry.

Firstly, Borrell affirmed that Georgia is intrinsically tied to the European landscape, urging the Georgian administration to persistently advocate for European integration. "Let me be unequivocal—Georgia unequivocally belongs to the European family. The ubiquitous display of European flags on Georgian streets underscores this sentiment more powerfully than any Brussels boulevard could," stated Borrell.

He also spotlighted Georgia's progress on the prerequisites for EU candidate status, highlighting that only three out of the initial 12 recommendations remain to be addressed. "It's imperative for all political forces to coalesce around this historic opportunity. The trajectory toward Europeanization hinges upon your collective resolve and the concrete outcomes of your collaborative endeavors," Borrell urged.

Secondly, Borrell transitioned to geopolitics, specifically Russia's aggressive stance in the Ukraine conflict. "Our unwavering support for Ukraine dovetails with Georgia's foreign policy objectives. It's crucial for Georgia to align its efforts with ours, facilitating a unified international response aimed at isolating Russia," he emphasized. He lauded Georgia's endeavours to adhere to the Association Agreement with the EU and commended efforts to counteract Russia's disinformation campaigns. "This is precisely why the European Union is committed to buttressing Georgia’s civil society and enhancing its informational sovereignty."

Lastly, the High Representative proclaimed Europe's steadfast commitment to the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Georgia, especially in light of the renewed geopolitical tension emanating from Ukraine's crisis. "Our partnership, cemented through substantial investments and a 15-year-long monitoring mission, is not merely rhetorical but demonstrably actionable," he affirmed. Borrell disclosed that an increase in funding for Georgia's defense and security would be officially announced in April.

In sum, Borrell's triad of messages serves as a resounding affirmation of Georgia's European aspirations, its role in the geopolitical chessboard involving Ukraine and Russia, and the EU's unflinching support for its territorial sovereignty. "We are vested in your success on the path to Europeanization and will extend the requisite support to see that come to fruition," concluded Borrell.