Posted: 3 years ago

AYFB – ESCO Hides Russian Electricity Imports Tariff

Referring to various manipulations, the Electricity System Commercial Operator (ESCO) keeps Russian electricity imports tariffs classified, the Association of Young Financiers and Businessmen (AYFB) noted.

“The Association of Young Financiers and Businessmen” urges the Electricity System Commercial Operator (ESCO) to stop its non-transparent policy, manipulations with figures and volumes, and publicize detailed tariffs for electricity imports. Over the past 4 months, AYFB has been trying to obtain ESCO information on electricity imports tariffs (the so-called contractual tariffs) and despite multiple public requests, ESCO hides this information. Though, over the past several days, we have learned that parliament members have full access to the ESCO information that stays classified for the NGO sector. Aleksandre Rakviashvili, a parliament member from Girchi political party has publicized the ESCO’s written letter on the 2021 electricity imports tariffs.

The most important circumstance is that even in this letter ESCO has concealed the Russian electricity imports volumes and prices and the letter comprises information on only Azerbaijani electricity imports volumes and tariffs. Seemingly, ESCO keeps manipulating even parliament members and takes all efforts to keep Russian electricity imports tariffs secret, referring to the fact that Russian electricity is imported by Inter RAO, not by ESCO. In this case, ESCO genuinely says the truth, on the one hand, because the Russian electricity is imported by the private company, but Azerbaijani and Turkish electricity imports are also carried out by private companies. Referring to uncertain circumstances, ESCO keeps Russian electricity imports tariffs classified, while it publicizes data on the Azerbaijani electricity importing company.

Our objective is that our society holds full and transparent information on electricity imports from any country, especially from the invader country to completely rule out the probability of questionable deals and corruption risks”, the AYFB statement reads.