Posted: 1 year ago

Apple Picking begins in Georgia - New Apple Variety Appeared This Year

Apple picking season begins in Georgia. As EastFruit writes, a new export variety "Gala" appeared on the market this year. Currently, the wholesale price of the product is 2 GEL per kilogram. However, at this stage, the harvest of this type of apple is not enough.

According to local sources, mass picking will start on September 5. Due to the dry weather, the apples need a little time to get their color.

We remind you that a record-high production of apples is expected in Georgia this season. Estimates range from 130,000 to 150,000 tonnes, which is double the previous season's volume and 50-70% higher than the 2021 record.

With such a large increase in supply, exports are likely to be decisive for apple prices. It is expected that domestic demand alone cannot compensate for such an increase in supply and cannot ensure high prices.

The situation of external demand and exports is still not clear. Farmers cannot talk about prices yet.