Posted: 1 year ago

The Philippine Independence Day and 20th Anniversary of the Philippine Consulate in Georgia Celebrated with Grandeur

A momentous event was held recently as the Consulate General of the Republic of the Philippines in Georgia hosted a ceremonial reception to mark two important milestones - the Philippine Independence Day and the 20th anniversary of the consulate's establishment in Georgia.

Since its inception in 2003, the consulate has functioned ceaselessly, adhering to diplomatic protocol and the rights allotted to the Consulate General.

Teimuraz Chichinadze, the Consul General, emphasized the significance of the double celebration in his eloquent address. He highlighted the immense responsibility that comes with representing a nation that not only is one of the 20 most populous in the world, but also is a bounty of natural resources and a treasure trove of cultural heritage. This responsibility, Chichinadze said, is accompanied by an invaluable opportunity to foster new economic and cultural relationships with the host nation. He sees it as a chance to solidify the bond of friendship and cooperation, propelling the bilateral relationship to a higher plane.

"As we engage in this process, we're creating new avenues for economic and cultural ties, thus strengthening the bond between our nations," stated Chichinadze. "It's been a great honor to facilitate these opportunities over the past 20 years."

Chichinadze stressed that the consulate's primary duty was to offer comprehensive support to Filipino citizens residing in or visiting Georgia. The goal is to address their concerns and resolve their issues to the best of their ability.

As the Filipino community globally celebrates the 125th anniversary of their independence declaration, Chichinadze expressed his delight in being able to partake in the jubilation of this significant occasion in Georgia.

He also acknowledged the pivotal role of the host country's primary diplomatic agency in the success of honorary consuls. "A lot of our accomplishments depend on how the primary diplomatic agency views and values the capabilities of honorary consuls," he observed.

Chichinadze, who also heads the Association of Honorary Consuls, appreciated the positive dynamics of the relationship between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Georgia and the honorary consuls, as well as the association.

Also present at the event, the Acting Ambassador of the Philippines to Turkey, Juan Edeing Jr., expressed his pleasure in celebrating the Philippine National Day and the 20th anniversary of the consulate's opening in Georgia amidst such pomp and ceremony. He emphasized the closeness of relations between the two countries, both of which take great pride in their rich culture and traditions. Edeing Jr. confidently predicted that these strong ties would continue to deepen.

Guests at the reception had the opportunity to explore and appreciate the works of modern Filipino artists, displayed at the Zurab Tsereteli Museum of Modern Art, which graciously hosted the event.