Posted: 4 years ago

The Lonely Genius - New Project from Sandro Aleksidze

Designer and illustrator, Sandro Aleksidze dedicated his new project to Gia Kancheli. "The Lonely Genius" unites the illustrations and music of Gia Kancheli used in films.


"I grew up in Georgia, in the country of music, dance and hedonism. I was constantly surrounded by the wonderful music which was created by Georgian composers and musicians. One of them was Gia Kancheli. A while ago, I rewatched old films and rediscovered the brilliance of Gia Kancheli."



These melodies inspired him to create The Lonely Genius and express his gratitude for the music, "which can reach down in the soul".

„Blue Mountains“


"I wanted to create something, which would enable others to discover the true magician of music, Gia Kancheli who could turn the silence into brilliant sounds."
