Posted: 5 years ago

Shilda Winery to be one of the Most Magnificent Examples of Green Architecture Around the World on Euronews

"X-architecture is a British cross-disciplinary firm with offices in London and Tbilisi. They have built an extraordinary winery in Kakheti, Georgia, called Shilda. The form is a 'considered response to the environmental factors of the area and the qualities of the wine'. The building is quite literally embedded within the landscape of the vineyards, making it barely noticeable from a birds eye view. What's more, the thermal mass of the soil is used to optimize the cooling of the building, and most of the facade is facing towards the north to avoid direct solar gain, reducing energy waste. Definitely our favourite so far!" is noted in the statement of Euronews.

Shilda winery was built by X-architecture 3 years ago. The founders of Georgian-English based architecture company, with the colleges from London, are Dimitri Chaava and Soso Eliava.

Except for Shilda, Euronews also announced Canada, Germany, Romania, Singapore, and Guatemala buildings as magnificent examples of green architecture.