Posted: 4 years ago

Saguramo SKYE Club - Recycling to Support Local Community

In May, a youth club set up as part of the EU4Youth programme collected 950 kg of paper waste to support the local library in the Georgian mountain village of Saguramo, to the north of the country’s capital of Tbilisi.

Members of the Saguramo SKYE (Skills and Knowledge for Youth Economic Empowerment) club will use the waste gathered to provide 20 new books for the library. 

SKYE clubs are a group of young people who meet every week to identify community problems and to brainstorm, plan and implement community services and social enterprise projects. 

“Our Waste Paper Collection initiative provides us an opportunity to give back to the environment in our own little way and at the same time support the local library,” said Fikria Udiladze, the Saguramo SKYE club leader.

The club sets up collection boxes for waste paper in places such as schools, the police station, and local shops.

In addition, club members have been raising awareness about environmental issues in the community, with the message that recycling one tonne of newsprint saves approximately one tonne of wood.

The Saguramo SKYE club is one of seven such clubs set up by the ‘EU4Youth – Say Yes Skills for Jobs’ project, implemented by World Vision Georgia. SKYE clubs are designed to run on an 18-month cycle, and the programme provides practical and customised support for groups of 10 to 25 young people. At present, 180 young people are engaged in club activities.
