Posted: 5 years ago

Green Camp for Young Leaders and Innovators 2019

On 15-23 June, Bulachauri Green Center hosted the second Green Camp for Young Leaders and Innovators.

The EU-supported camp was organized by CENN in partnership with Caritas Czech Republic. The camp participants were selected via an open application process from Keda, Khulo and Tsalka municipalities. The intensive educational program of the Green Camp aimed at raising the awareness of the young generation about environmental protection, sustainable development, science and technology and creating new possibilities for future leaders. 

Environmental specialists from CENN conducted classes on Sustainable Development Goals, climate change, sustainable management of forest resources, sustainable waste management and circular economy, water, sanitation and hygiene (WaSH) issues, natural disaster risks and mitigation measures. In addition, camp participants learned about the European LEADER approach to rural development and the work conducted by Local Action Groups in Georgia.

Within the framework of the camp, participants visited GWP’s water filtering facility, where leading engineers of the company hosted a tour showcasing the complete water treatment cycle. The site visits continued to the National Geographic Georgia publishing house, where the camp participants met with the editor-in-chief of the magazine in Georgia and discussed the work, values and vision of the magazine on an international level. The last site visit was to Kriala Ltd., a paper production company, where participants learned about the paper recycling and paper production process. 

The green camp participants also became acquainted with the principles of outdoor ethics and their recreational impact on nature. In order to translate their newly gained knowledge into practice, camp participants hiked around Truso Valley. Together with experienced guides and camp leaders, participants had the chance to observe natural resources, flora and fauna in the valley.Upon completing the camp program, the participants will join the Green Camp Alumni Network and will have access to participate in future opportunities within CENN’s environmental youth initiatives. 
The camp was made possible with EU support under the European Neighborhood Program for Agriculture and Rural Development – ENPARD Georgia. The camp was organized by three ENPARD projects – EMBRACE Tsalka, Keda LEADER implemented by CENN and the Promotion of Rural Development and Diversification in Khulo Municipality implemented by Caritas Czech Republic (CCRG).