Posted: 4 years ago

Georgian Frontier Police to Decide Who will Leave for Schengen Zone

On September 2 the Parliament of Georgia adopted the law by the third hearing to authorize the Georgian Frontier Police not to let Georgian citizens leave for the Schengen Zone in case of specific preconditions. The law will come into force in January 2021.

The new criteria restricting a departure for the Schengen Zone are as follows:
A Georgian citizen is banned to enter EU/Schengen Zone country and the fact is known for the frontier control execution body of Georgia;

If a Georgian citizen fails to submit:

The corresponding biometric passport issued over the past10 years. This passport must be valid for a further 3 months from the time the Georgian citizen leaves the EU/Schengen zone.

To leave the EU/Schengen zone, a Georgian citizen must have valid ticket or corresponding ticket booking document;

A Georgian citizen must have a document proving the booking at a hotel or other residential facility, any other document conforming residential permits on the mentioned facilities or the consent by a legal resident host of EU/Schengen zone to accommodate the Georgian citizens; information on addresses of these hotels and accommodations;

Health insurance document valid on EU/Schengen Zone;

Documents proving funding resources, including for travel period.
The law was backed by 74 members of the parliament.