Photo/Louisa Chalatashvili

Posted: 1 year ago

Breaking Boundaries: Maryam Sasha on Designing for the Future

In the world of art, graphic design is a vital field that communicates ideas, emotions, and messages through visual elements. Mariam Akulashvili, also known as Maryam Sasha, is a talented graphic designer from Georgia who has built a successful career in this industry.

Her passion for design and dedication to originality and emotional connection has led her to create unique designs that have caught the attention of clients and the public alike. In this interview, we delve into her journey as a graphic designer, her design process, and her thoughts on the future of graphic design in society.

How did you develop an interest in graphic design, and what motivated you to pursue it as a career?

Growing up with a passion for drawing, I discovered photoshop in my early teens and it quickly became a refuge for me. While studying fine arts in 2014, I entered a packaging contest for ice cream that featured a drawing tablet prize and a one-month internship. Winning first place led to my first design job, and I found that graphic design was the ideal profession to combine with drawing art.

What are some of the factors you consider when developing a concept for a new design project, and how do you approach the design process?

For me, originality, flexibility, and emotional connection between the product and its design are crucial. The design process is heterogeneous, involving experimentation and tracing new paths while also following necessary stages such as sketching and brainstorming. I view the design process as an equation, trying to fill in the unknown in an interesting way and building visual content around it, all with the goal of creating a cohesive and compelling design that perfectly aligns with the product's unique characteristics and identity.

Who is your favorite graphic designer, and how has their work influenced your own designs?

Surprisingly, I don't have a favorite graphic designer. Instead, I find inspiration in other fields such as painting, cinema, science, or psychology. While I keep an eye on general design developments, I don't focus on specific designers or their work.

Could you take us through a design project that you are especially proud of and explain what sets it apart from other projects you have worked on?

The TBC Bank campaign for the Rugby World Cup 2019 was a project I'm especially proud of. Working on the visual style with art direction by Giorgi Kvlividze, we created a symbol that quickly became a favorite of many people who wore T-shirts and hoodies featuring the design. When a design can bring people together, it's a unique joy.

In your opinion, what are some of the biggest challenges facing the field of graphic design in Georgia, and how do you navigate those challenges in your work?

One of the biggest challenges we face in Georgia is the difficulty of creating authentic designs that reflect our identity. Due to the small market size and limited resources, clients rarely have the time or money to create something new. As a result, we often absorb foreign designs and find it challenging to establish our own style and place. To combat this, I try to create unique concepts that don't rely on trends, and I enjoy creating fonts in my free time.

What emerging trends and technologies in graphic design are you most excited about, and how do you incorporate them into your designs?

I'm excited about the trend of incorporating animation into designs, making graphic design more mobile and interactive.

How do you envision the role of graphic design evolving in the future, and what impact do you believe it will have on society as a whole?

As we spend more time on the internet, graphic design is becoming as important as the interior of our homes or the architecture of our surroundings. It will have a greater impact on people's behavior and perceptions of the world, representing bigger tasks than it had before. Graphic design is evolving to play a crucial role in shaping our perceptions of society, and I believe it will continue to have a significant impact on our lives.

If you want to take inspiration from Maryam Sasha's unique and creative approach to graphic design, you can follow her journey on Instagram. Her dedication to originality, emotional connection, and attention to detail has led to the creation of numerous compelling and visually stunning designs that have garnered attention from clients and the public alike.

In addition to her graphic design work, Maryam has also developed a signature collection of art pins that symbolize love, luck, and protection. Keep an eye out for these pins and other exciting design projects that she is sure to share on her platform.