Posted: 4 years ago

Silknet Contributes GEL One Million to Support StopCoV Fund through Business Association of Georgia

In prevention of spreading COVID-19 virus, Silknet at an early stage took all necessary effective measures in order to run its operation smoothly and provide seamless communication services that are so vital for the country.

After declaring the pandemics and later during the state of emergency, Silknet works 24/7 and contributes to combating the spread of the virus in the country by all its available resources.

The company responds to the launch of StopCoV Fund and takes the decision to donate GEL one million as an initial installment for the activities of the Fund. Silknet also considers further support by its continuous provision of services as well as financial or other means.

Silknet welcomes the creation of the fund aimed at provisioning of identified needs and believes that such unified efforts are the most effective to handle the challenge. Therefore, the company supports the timely initiative of the government and as a member of Business Association of Georgia transfers the named amount at the account specially designated for the fund.

StopCoV Fund

“Anyone can transfer”

Amounts accumulated at #StopCov Fund, created by the initiative of Prime minister in coordination with business ombudsman and private sector will be directed at meeting the identified needs