Posted: 4 years ago

Sales of Georgian Footwear Brand ABRAGEBI Plunges by 80%

Georgian footwear brand ABRAGEBI manufactures top-rated male and female footwear of natural materials. As noted by the company founder Mikheil Gabadze, the company incomes have shrunk by 80% because of the pandemic.

“Our products are primarily designed for tourists. Consequently, closed borders and lack of foreign visitors have damaged our business and sales have essentially declined. After lifting the regulations, the sales enlivened, primarily, at the expense of devoted customers”, Mikheil Gabadze said.

The company makes an accent on making footwear because the female footwear market is oversaturated. As for the availability of starting the children's footwear production line or any other innovative products, Gabadze noted that the pandemic has made the company suspend all plans.

ABRAGEBI launched operations on the Georgian market in 2017. The company manufactures handmade footwear of Italian and Turkish materials.