Posted: 1 year ago

Rising Migration Trends Expected to Impact IT Workforce, says BDO Digital

The global demand for IT services is escalating, making every country aspire to become a hub for information technology, stated Anzor Mekhrishvili, Head of Cyber and Information Security at BDO Digital, in a conversation with Business Partner. He also pointed out that Georgia's IT sector holds immense potential and has a promising future, provided it can secure the required human resources.

"As witnessed in other sectors, the increasing migration over the past three years will likely affect the IT workforce as well, resulting in a situation where market demand surpasses supply," Mekhrishvili commented.

He further explained that Georgian IT professionals are sought after on an international scale, despite the lower salary ranges offered compared to those in Western countries. "Georgia is among the lowest-paid nations. Our wage bracket is three to four times lower than that of the US, UK, or any Western European country. Foreign companies, therefore, often try to source skilled personnel from our country to reduce costs," said Mekhrishvili. "However, this has a silver lining for our citizens, as they benefit from higher income potential."

In order to further advance the sector, Mekhrishvili emphasized the need for educational initiatives. He pointed out that while there are private colleges in the country producing highly skilled staff, it's crucial to promote the IT sector to children from a young age, given its position as one of the most profitable and rapidly expanding sectors globally. He added that a career in IT offers the opportunity for international relocation, enabling Georgians to work for various global companies.

It's worth noting that according to industry experts, the growth of Georgia's communications and information sector has been driven by factors such as the Russia-Ukraine war and subsequent company relocations. Companies that entered the market with an international status managed to establish themselves within 2-3 years, enhancing staffing and revenues, thereby significantly contributing to the sector's growth in Georgia. Post-pandemic recovery in tourism has also given a boost to the sector's development.