Posted: 4 months ago

Previcur Energy: Innovative Fungicide for a Healthy Harvest

Previcur Energy, an advanced fungicide from BAYER, offers exceptional protection for vegetable and ornamental crops against a range of diseases, including root rot, powdery mildew, and certain pathogens from the Phytophthora genus. This innovative solution not only combats plant diseases but also promotes healthy growth.

Key Features of Previcur Energy

Previcur Energy contains two powerful systemic active ingredients: procamocarbhydrochloride and aluminum fosetyl. These components work together with complementary mechanisms of action to deliver enhanced fungicidal effects. Their rapid absorption and movement within the plant system ensure swift and effective protection. Additionally, Previcur Energy stimulates plant growth, further supporting a healthier harvest.

How to Use Previcur Energy

Previcur Energy is versatile and can be applied in both open fields and greenhouses. It is suitable for soil treatment, seedling care, or direct application to plants. The fungicide can be sprayed on crops or added to the soil through irrigation systems.

However, caution is advised when using Previcur Energy on seedlings grown in artificial substrates due to potential phytotoxicity. For optimal results, follow the recommended usage instructions carefully.

Get Expert Advice

For more detailed guidance on using Previcur Energy, consult the experts at Agrosphere. You can reach them at +995 322 500 900 or visit any of their store locations.

Previcur Energy provides a reliable solution for protecting your crops while promoting their growth, ensuring a healthier and more productive harvest.