Posted: 4 years ago

Nona Mamulashvili holds a series of high level meetings in Washington DC

Nona Mamulashvili – Founder and Chairwoman of Caucasus Economic Policy Institute has been selected as a Rumsfeld Fellow – Central Asia-Caucasus Program, Fall 2019.

Within the Rumsfeld fellowship, Nona Mamulashvili holds a series of high level meetings with US Government officials, representatives of international organizations, think-tanks and private sector as well. During the first part of the fellowship, Ms. Mamulashvili met with representatives of CIPE, US.

Institute of Peace, American Foreign Policy Council, Center for Strategic & International Studies, USAID, Atlantic Council of US and other leading think-tanks. On October 19-23, Ms. Mamulashvili visited Norfolk and held meetings with Norfolk Department of Economic Development, Hampton Roads Economic Development Alliance and Norfolk State University Innovation Center.

She also held an introductory meeting with the representatives of the Norfolk City Hall. The meeting was devoted to the discussions on the role of deep sea ports and economic development as well as the importance of public private partnerships.