Posted: 4 years ago

New Books Donated to Two Libraries of Racha at Initiative of Socar and UN Women

Libraries in the villages of Gloli and Pipileti received books by UN Women, which were purchased by Socar. As it is known, the library located in Glola is rather old, which only had old books in reserve. At the initiative of Socar, Glola inhabitants will be able to get acquainted with the new literature.

As for the village Pipileti, the library burnt down several years ago, and only one book survived the fire. This summer, space for the library was allocated in the administrative building, and staff of the library was also formed. One of the employees is a woman who participates in the project of UN Women. By the initiative of UN Women and Socar, the renewed library received new books. The library will officially open on October 22nd.

The company Socar continues to cooperate with the UN Woman and plans to implement such activities in the near future.