Posted: 1 year ago

Navigating Social Media Marketing: Insights from Ani Gvatua, Head of Marketing at Adjara Group

Ani Gvatua Head of Marketing at Adjara Group, shared her insights on social media marketing trends and the impact of influencer marketing on the hospitality industry.

She also discussed the importance of selecting the right social media platforms and creating customized content that resonates with customers' interests. Ani emphasized the need for brands and influencers to take responsibility for their communication and treat their audience with honesty and respect. 

In your opinion, which social platform gives you the highest ROI?

While planning communication, social platforms are selected and used for various purposes. It is important what the brand is communicating to the audience, how relevant the communication content is to the users, and how relatable the communication is to the everyday life of the audience. When it comes to lifestyle brands, traditional social media such as Instagram and Facebook still remain the most relevant, since they convey the identity of the product in the most straightforward and structured way.

What changes do you notice, which platform started in Georgia?

This is not only relevant to Georgia, it is a global trend — the social platforms that enable instant sharing of impressions, thoughts, and feelings are rapidly rising in popularity (Facebook/Instagram Stories, Be Real).

Platforms that require relatively more prepared and developed content (YouTube, Facebook/Instagram Reels) are starting to take the form of an alternative television. However, I believe that platforms should be selected in terms of the brand's specific demands, not according to the platform's popularity.

At this stage, what trends do you see in social networks that you like/dislike?

Word of mouth has always been the most effective communication method. The rise of social media platforms and the creation of influencers has taken this oldest and most prominent method to the next level — one person can share their thoughts and experiences to the audience of millions at any given moment during the day. However, this possibility comes with a big responsibility that can easily be forgotten. It is important that brands and influencers realize this responsibility and treat it accordingly to avoid misleading the customers.

How satisfied are you with influencer marketing, is it working or not, and if it is working, what types of influencers are you satisfied with? (macro, micro, nano, expert)

Influencer marketing is a very effective and widespread communication method. Its tools as well as content are constantly developing and improving, which happens because of the intense competition. When it comes to lifestyle brands, influencer marketing is especially popular, since the potential guests rely heavily on the recommendations of the people they trust and look up to. In many cases, the popularity of the destination is created by several individuals who experience the place and create hype via their social media platforms. Since the hospitality and HORECA sectors provide guests with unique experiences, it has become more prevalent in the industry to rely on expert influencers who have certain credibility in the field.

Which metrics are important for you and the customer/management, i.e. according to what do you consider your results to be successful?

Communication can have a variety of goals (informational, sales oriented, to enhance the image parameters, etc.). Different campaigns have different end goals and it is vital for the marketing team to have a clear vision of what a company stands for, so that it can implement the effective and efficient communication strategy. Every creative solution that impacts even a small group of people and inspires them in some way, could be considered successful. The key metric is the value that is being delivered to the audience.

Which type of content works best for you in Georgia?

In Georgia, just like the rest of the world, content that resonates with the customers' interests, is context-driven and well-executed — is successful. However, with the development of new communication methods it is becoming more and more integral to create content customized to each and every customer. That's why it is crucial for companies to keep up with the modern technologies and implement new, innovative ways to echo individual customer's interests.