Posted: 4 years ago

Massive Obtaining of Cryptocurrencies in Georgia Might be Cause of Deficit of Electricity

"As it is recognized, obtaining cryptocurrencies, a.k.a crypto mining is using significant part of electro energy including cooling system. Hence, massive mining might become the cause of deficit of electro energy and increase of its dependence on import."

Mentioned risk factor does not represent any danger for larger countries yet since consumed energy for obtaining cryptocurrencies has a little part in maintaining whole consuming system. If we will take into account, that in the Georgian context, there is a high risk of situating mining systems in Abkhazia, some risks are being formed. 

The practice shows us, that because of the purposes of mining bitcoins the facts of stealing electro energy are confirmed. This process will reflect adversely on the system.

requested capacities, generally, are formed from free industrial zones, which makes implemented investments and development of this network concentrated. In the future, in the context of unexpected extinguishing of demand, concentrated network might become unfunctional. Apart from network components, it is also important to mention, that implemented investments has an impact on consumer's tariff since additional demand on electro energy increases import of expensive electricity. This causes increasing of approximate price of electro energy which is bought off by distribution licensees.", - is noted in the material.