Posted: 1 year ago

Maia Cheese: Coconut-Smoked Sulguni is the Most Popular in Sri Lanka

Georgian Smoked Sulguni is the most popular in Sri Lanka, - Maia Donadze, a Georgian businessman living in Sri Lanka and the producer of Maia Cheese said.

The Georgian cheese producer has not lived in Georgia for 30 years, and the company he founded currently produces 45 types of cheese. Among them is Georgian cheese - Sulguni. Apart from the brand store in Sri Lanka, it also sells in cooperation with supermarkets and the HoReCa sector.

As Donadze states at Business Partner, in Sri Lanka Sulguni is smoked on coconuts.

According to her, Maia Cheese was first established in Goa, India, and in 2015, the company's second factory was established in Sri Lanka.

"Now I am building a second factory in Sri Lanka, I will have 3 factories in total," Donadze said. She also added that Maia Cheese will produce from 3000 kg to 6000 kg per day in the near future.