Posted: 4 years ago

Madlena Manusachyan: There is no Ready-Made Formula in Marketing

Interview with Madlena Manusachyan, Head of Sales and Marketing Department of Hotel Chain “Mgzavrebi”

Tell us about how you got into the field of marketing, and what factors played an important role in choosing this profession?

I did my masters degree in foreign languages, majored in English language and literature, I worked with my specialty for a very short time and then decided to try my luck in sales as I love communicating with people. I went through many marketing and sales courses, and I realized I was interested in this field. ‘’Mgzavrebi’’ brought gave me an opportunity to gain experience and develop myself in this field.  

What challenges do you face as a head of marketing in the background of technological changes?

The construction and tourism industry (the two main directions of our company) is booming. Technological developments affect most marketing campaigns. The main thing is to keep up with the pace and innovation. There are areas where you have to go beyond the framework. And even more important is the right communication with the customer, good quality service delivered throughout and after the decision. It’s necessary, every aspect of the company to be involved.

What has changed in the field in the last 5 years, and what changes are expected?

This field is changing so fast that there is no ready-made formula that is constantly working and everything we knew before is gradually useless. As for change, in Georgia and perhaps in the world, Digital marketing and social media have become more demanding and priority.

What do you think are the most important traits a marketing manager should have, and what is his or her role in the organization in general?

Marketing is a user-oriented field, so the marketing manager must be able to listen to the customer, to offer her company's product as accurately as possible, which requires a very good knowledge of this product. One also must be capable of creative thinking and be sociable, be ready to constantly develop and learn.

What are you doing to help the organization keep up with new trends and use innovative approaches in the field of marketing?

I am constantly studying, getting acquainted with relevant literature, listening to successful people in the field, attending various training and seminars. In addition, feedback from the customer is very important, which dictates what needs to be changed. 

What’s your organization’s business model regarding PR and marketing? 

The market is becoming increasingly demanding, competition is high and only a satisfied customer is the guarantee of constant work, profitability and success - this is what we pay attention to. 

One word that describes your job.


The most useful advice you’ve ever received in your life?

"Get all things you begin done" - this advice received as a kid, turned out very helpful for me, that was probably about something very basic back then. I realized, leaving a job in the middle is a waste of time, that you’ve already spent on getting started and to only focus to finish, doesn’t mean getting it done. Therefore, you should do always stay on top of quality.  

Think of a person who inspires you, professionally.

Naming one person, in particular, is hard. I was lucky and always got to work with very high-level professionals, which is a great motivation for me. Inspiration probably comes from successful companies, rather than specific people.