Posted: 3 months ago

Luna Sensation – Healthy Fruit, Guaranteed Benefits

Luna Sensation is an innovative product from BAYER, a leading manufacturer of plant protection products, known for its systemic-translaminar action that protects fruit trees from a wide range of diseases.

Luna Sensation combines fluopyram, a new chemical from the SDHI family, and trifloxystrobin. This unique combination and new mechanism of action block respiration in the pathogen cell. When used according to instructions, the fungicide does not develop resistance or phytotoxicity. Additionally, the product is safe for the environment and beneficial organisms.

Why and How to Use Luna Sensation

Luna Sensation is designed for seed and stone fruits such as apples, pears, quinces, cherries, peaches, apricots, and more. It is also effective in other agricultural crops, including berries, nuts, citrus, almonds, tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, eggplants, carrots, melons, watermelons, grapes, and others. The fungicide protects crops from a wide range of diseases, such as:

  • Moniliosis
  • Spotting
  • Anthracnose
  • Alternariosis
  • Downy mildew
  • Ash
  • Gray rot and mildew
  • Septoriosis
  • Sclerotiniosis
  • Phomopsis
  • Black rot
  • Aspergillosis
  • Melanosis
  • Rhizoctonia
  • Coccomycosis

Moreover, it ensures a healthy appearance of the fruit for a long time after harvesting. Luna Sensation, alongside other BAYER products like Zato Star and Scala, is a key element in the comprehensive fruit tree protection system.

For detailed instructions, contact Agrosphere consultants. They will help you identify the needs of your farm, plan agricultural work in advance, and determine the correct dosage of the product. This way, you can effectively utilize the benefits of Luna Sensation and achieve maximum results.