Posted: 9 months ago

Harvesting Success: The Story of Zviad Kimadze's Dedication to Sustainable Farming

Zviad Kimadze, a seasoned greenhouse farmer from the village of Chiauri in the Lagodekhi district, has cultivated cucumbers with a passion for two decades. From a young age, he was drawn to agriculture, and he has remained dedicated ever since. "To me, farming is above all about a love for the land. It’s where I excel and what I am committed to," he explains.

Autumn is a bustling time for Zviad, marking a period of harvest and renewal. This season, he trialed a new cucumber seed variety named "Mira," provided by Agrosphere, which surpassed all others he has planted to date. "Mira yields a cucumber that is not only delicious and abundant but also meets the market's visual demand. Crucially, it was the sole variety that survived the cold without succumbing to rot," Kimadze reports.

He emphasizes that the success of a harvest relies heavily on the quality of plant protection products and fertilizers. Zviad opts for top-notch resources for his crops, favoring Bayer’s treatments and Yara’s fertilizers, which he acquires from Agrosphere.

Looking ahead, Zviad is gearing up for the next cycle. He'll be purchasing seeds and other essential supplies and servicing the irrigation system. "A farmer's work is never done. As the year wraps up, we're already planning for the next. Yet, there's profound satisfaction in seeing the fruits of your labor. That’s the ultimate reward," reflects Kimadze.